...which means the continuation of the banquett.
Well, I choosed Obertauern, Tweng, to celebrate this year's Ysyakh. We started on the July, 9th at a nice hotel in the middle of the Austrian Alps, not far away from Salzburg. My countrypeople and friends came from the Czech Republik, Poland, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium and Burkina Faso. I couldn't get visa for people from Yakutia, the Austrians changed their regulations, but this sad fact should (and will) be another thread for another media. Anyway, we had great days till Sunday in the Alps, got to know new people, drove to Salzburg for sightseeing tour, celebrated Ysyakh, organised quiz games, two disco nights, in other words, we had great time! Then on Sunday I invited countrywomen from Austria and Burkina Faso to spend few days by me in Salzburg. As if we didn't have enough of each other we got invited to Carinthia, and we packed our luggage again and drove to Carinthia, near Klagenfurt this time. After meeting with another countrywomen there, trips to Klagenfurt, the castle Hochosterwitz, Velden on Woerthersee, two barbeque parties, lazy swimming pool breaks and tons of caviar we came back home last Sunday. I still can't believe, but I needed a break before the great adventure. Pictures tomorrow, the batteries of my mouse are died and need to be charged.
Thanks for reading :)